Monday, June 2, 2008

The Great News!

For all of you who have hostile work environments, who have stumbled upon p*ornography, who have tried to close innappropriate websites, only to find them doubled and tripled on your screen, whose children have seen it, whose families suffer, whose marriages are struggling, who see a problem and want to help solve it....and to anyone else interested, this is how you too can become part of the Internet Pornography solution!!

The CP80 Foundation has figured out a legal way to categorize the Internet and give us a p*orn free option. They have written legislation and a Senator and his staff are working on ways to introduce it and get it passed. The basic premise is so simple. They are asking that the US Government open up an additional port for our home Internet use. This port would be legally free from p*ornography. The port we currently use, port 80 would remain the same. So homes, schools, libraries, governments, work places all could have a safe place to research on the Internet. And anyone who wanted an unchanged Internet experience would still have that available to them.

Read on to find out how you can help. And please go to for much more information.

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