Thursday, May 8, 2008

Sample Letters to Friends and Lawmakers

For All Your Contacts:
Here is a sample email to send to all your contacts asking for support for the CP80 Foundation.

We have some fantastic news!!!!!
The CP80 Foundation has finally come up with a way to reign in the pornography industry and keep it zoned out of a child's eyes. The internet as we now know it is NOT a safe place for kids to surf, and it gets worse every day. The very best filter only filters 92% of unwanted adult content. That leaves over 300,000 sites unblocked!!!!!

We are writing to announce that there is HOPE and you can help! We expect to see new legislation, The Internet Community Ports Act which would open up another port for internet use. Currently we all use basically one port for our web surfing, the HTTP. With two ports to use, the internet could then be appropriately zoned. One port (the open port) would be the same as we now know it. The other (the community port) would be WITHOUT the adult content. For practical home and community use, you make your choice with your server and they simply flip a switch.

This simple easy change would protect schools, libraries, governments, businesses, and homes with children or any place that did not want access to pornography; it would give all these people a safe place to search the Internet. It is a brilliant, well designed solution. It NEEDS political backing! There is a rather large ground swell. The plan right now is two-fold: we are going state by state, gaining ground support, and asking each state legislature to pass a resolution, requesting the federal government to change the internet to further protect children and businesses. I have attached a sample copy of a resolution that other states have passed. (please insert your own state information) And of course, to gather federal support downtown around Senator Kyl and his efforts. We keep working and asking our legislators until they agree to support our efforts.

What can you do? Well, I was just hoping that you will support this new Internet Community Ports Act in any way you can. Will you let your colleagues know the exciting opportunity we all have to protect ourselves from this filth? Will you write to your local government leaders and tell them you want your state to protect kids online? Will you send an email off to your federal legislators asking them to support the Internet Community Ports Act this spring? Below is a sample letter you could send them.

The brilliance of the plan is that it gives everyone their freedom of choice. Those who still want pornography will have it available to them. Those who want a safe place to go without it, will finally have that place. (I personally prefer that it was made illegal, but since the courts have ruled otherwise, we still CAN zone it in its own place!)

I probably don't need to tell you how intrusive the porn industry is, how they actively try to invade any kind of filter out there, how they target our thirteen year old boys, how they are not simply offering a product, but are spending billions of dollars to find ways to get in where they are not wanted. How it is destroying children's lives and ruining families. How the sex crimes in this country are spiraling out of control. How the next generation of lawmakers and parents are becoming addicted to it! Enough is enough!

Thanks!! Please check out their website to read all about it and the national and international coalition that is growing. There are currently 25 states on the move with this and 10 or so countries. Let's add yours to the list! And add our influence to help those on the Hill!

Thanks again!!! I know you are already busy but I also knew you would appreciate the CP80 Foundation's efforts. It really is a cause we can all stand behind.
Spread the word!!!

Here is a letter to send to State Legislators:

Dear Representative :

I live here in Southlake and enjoy seeing the sign showing your office is right here in my town. As your constituents, we could really use your help. (let them know you are their constituent) We expect a bill to be presented to the United States Senate this spring, a bill that would open up additional ports for Internet use, ports that would be legally pornography free. It is called the Internet Community Ports Act (ICPA).

In order to help this bill to pass and to encourage action in Washington DC, we are asking the states to petition the federal government to regulate the Internet. I am including a copy of this resolution and I am asking that you will please make every effort to ensure that Texas (your state) sends this resolution on to the United States Congress and President of the United States. We would like you to sponsor this resolution and work to get it passed.

This is the most important issue to me and my family at this time. No matter where you live or how you try to protect your children from this vice, it is everywhere and unless we do something about it, pornography will become more and more intrusive. Already American corporations loose over $85 billion annually due to pornography. 70% of pornography is accessed during the 9-5 work day. In Texas it is a troubling and growing problem. See what the Houston Chronicle printed about our public library use! (see if you can find evidence that it is a problem in your state, if not, that's OK, send it off anyway)

I look forward to seeing the results of your tireless efforts on behalf of children and businesses here in Tarrant County (write your county) and all over the country. This is definitely a cause we can all stand behind. I will be in touch with businesses and education organizations in the area as well.
Thank you so much!!

Here is a sample letter to a federal legislator:

Dear Senator or Member of Congress:

We thank you for your efforts in our behalf for all your constituents here in Virginia! We know you listen and work hard in our behalf.
We are asking for your support of some new legislation we expect to see soon. It is called the Internet Community Ports Act. This bill would open up additional ports for Internet use and therefore enable us to legally and enforcably declare a family friendly place for kids, schools, governments, libraries and homes to research on the Internet without the intrusive adult content. There is no filter in existence today that will do better than 92% which leaves over 300,000 pornography sites left unblocked!

We are asking for your full support of this and any other initiatives that would further protect children online.

I probably don't need to tell you how intrusive the porn industry is, how they actively try to invade any kind of filter out there, how they target our thirteen year old boys, how they are not simply offering a product, but are spending billions of dollars to find ways to get in where they are not wanted. How it is destroying children's lives and ruining families. How the sex crimes in this country are spiraling out of control. How the next generation of lawmakers and parents are becoming addicted to it! Enough is enough!

I look forward to seeing the results of your tireless efforts on behalf of children and businesses here in (write your state) and all over the country. This is definitely a cause we can all stand behind. I will be in touch with businesses and education organizations in the area as well.
Thank you so much!!


AnthonyMoor said...

Hello Jennifer. Thank you again for your willingness to listen to my concerns regarding the CP80 issue.


a blog post

by a Wayne State law professor which articulates some of my concerns
about the technology and the legal issues. I recommend you give it a read.

Here's an excerpt:

Overall, the goal of protecting kids from Internet porn is laudable. But instead of proposing an approach that’s both unconstitutional and technologically moronic, how about using the market? Places like Singapore have family-friendly ISPs – for a few bucks a month, you can buy a “filtered tap” that excludes porn and such.

JenJ said...

I've read his post already and don't appreciate his insulting language... "moronic???" His behavior is proof enough we don't need to listen to him, but besides that, I think we should use the market AFTER families have a true choice of a porn free zone and then the market will determine how much information is funnelled through their port! So many people who would never think of seeking out porn are harrassed by it and are soon addicted by it. And the advertising and marketing philosophies of these porn companies remind me of the times when tobacco was marketed toward children, the younger the better.
I enjoyed talking with you today in Southlake. Let's keep talking.

Lori said...

Thanks for standing up for a choice! What has motivated me to get involved is the fact that univited, unintentional, unwanted porn has popped up on my computer, invading my home- even with filters and conscientious internet use. Why should that be OK?

Thanks for the info. and resources you posted.

Anonymous said...

I don't get what ya'lls propblem is. amaerica are an free nation and as mel gibson would say freedom and you ladies needa get over youselfs. i mean if you r randomly finding porn you don't no how to use a computer and it hurts noone anyways.

m44ki3 said...

at 6 yrs old i was raped by a neighborhood boy in his teens, and he was looking at porn the whole time. before he raped me, he made me watch him masturbate while he was looking at porn. when i was 9 yrs old, my new step father began molesting me. part of it was the black & white pictures of porn that he made me look at. the acts he did to me are unspeakable. it went on 3-4 and more times a week for 5 years. i am now 60. tell me again that the complete saturation of porn in our society hurts no one? only the selectively naive would think that.

JenJ said...

I am so so sorry to hear your story Michelle! Sick and sorry! But you are not alone and that is what is so sad. There is so much we can do. Even in our current political environment, our voice can be heard. Thank you for sharing!!